Psarogiannos (Giorgos Fountas) lives with his wife and their five children in a seaside village. One day, a sailor appears who, for some reason, wants to fight with Psarogiannos, seeking revenge. Psar...
A young man (Alekos Alexandrakis) returns to his hometown after years spent working abroad. He has not become rich, but through hardship and much hard work he has managed to save enough money to spend...
A bachelor lawyer (Giannis Gkionakis), a sworn enemy of marriage, lives on the suitably named Unmarried Square. His uncle from abroad (Dionysis Papagiannopoulos) and his landlady (Marika Nezer) want h...
Antonis Maras is a serious shipowner and is totally devoted to Olga, his wife. He is upset when he suspects that she is having an affair with another man. In fact, his wife is being blackmailed by a g...
Thanasis (Thanasis Vengos) is an honest working man who has to support his sister’s family as well, as Maria’s husband is only interested in football. Thanasis is in love with Juliet (Aimilia Ypsi...
Seven stories, all with Thanasis Vengos playing the lead. An Athenian looking for a parking space (No Parking). Thanasis referees a football game (The Referee). He is the projector in a cinema playing...